Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Yes I'm Alive

It's been brought to my attention lately that I have not updated our blog in awhile. Guilty as charged. :/ To distract you guys from the fact that I do not blog regularly, I will post a cute picture of a bunny.

See? All is already forgotten. :)

Moving on, Mark started school a few weeks ago and so far it's going great. We're keeping our fingers crossed that French will be passed this semester and that work does not interfere with his classes. I tried very hard to save money on buying his schools books, but failed when I received a call from Mark saying that he just purchased a $250 French book. I mean I guess we can just forego buying groceries for a week right? Food isn't that important I suppose. (insert sarcasm)

I begin my official half marathon training next week. I have my schedule all printed out and adjusted. It basically consists of 3 days of running a week (one long run at the end), 2 days of cross training, and 2 days of rest. For cross training I like to do workout dvds that encorporate lunges, squats, and weights. Well...let me rephrase by saying that I NEED to do those workouts--I actually despise them. If you ever see me limping around or walking funny, you can assume that it's from those horrid workout dvds (I'm talking to you Bob Harper--why do you hate me so?).

I did just complete the Chikfila 5k on Monday. The weather was absolutely amazing! It was overcast and around 70 degrees. My parents were nice enough to come with me and cheer me on so thanks if you're reading this mom and dad! Because I train on the treadmill mostly, I was a little worried as to how this 3 mile run outside would be. I antipcated taking a few short 1 minute walking breathers like I do when I train. When the siren went off, this weird little competitive voice (which I did not know I had) told me to pass the slow people and run. ha So that's exactly what I did--and I ran until the very end of the race straight through with a time of 31:47. I was hoping to finish under 30 minutes, but I am just fine with roughly a 10 minute mile. :)

Since the weather has been cooling off slightly, you better believe that we have pulled out our crockpot, turned off the AC, and opened the windows. Say hello to lower MLGW bills, veggie chili, and red beans and rice (which we will be eating tonight). I know that it's still warmer in the afternoons, but any appearance of cooler weather gives me warm fuzzies. :)

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